Guest Post Submission Guidelines

Welcome to Nixgle, the ultimate destination for all things mobile phones! We appreciate your interest in contributing to our blog and sharing your knowledge with our readers. To maintain the high quality of content on our platform, we have established these guidelines for guest post submissions. Please read them carefully before submitting your article.

What We Cover

At Nixgle, we focus on a wide range of topics related to mobile phones, including the latest tech buzz, honest reviews, clear-cut comparisons, how-to guides, handy tips, and essential mobile accessories.

Your Contribution:

To ensure the best content for our readers, we kindly ask you to follow these guidelines:

  • Original Content: We accept only original, unique, and 100% plagiarism-free content. Do not submit articles that have been published elsewhere or have been spun from existing content.
  • Article Length: Articles should be at least 1000 words long, but longer, more comprehensive articles are preferred.
  • Quality Writing: Ensure that your writing is of high quality and free from grammatical errors. Well-researched and well-structured articles are highly appreciated. (AI-generated content is a no-go).
  • Quality Images: Include relevant images, charts, or graphs to enhance the visual appeal of your article. Please ensure that you have the rights to use these images, and provide image credits when necessary. (Format: WebP, PNG, JPEG)
  • Author Bio: Include a brief author bio (50-100 words) at the end of your article, along with a headshot. You may also include links to your social media profiles and personal blog/website.
  • References: If you include statistics, facts, or quotes from other sources, cite them properly and provide the source’s URL when applicable.
  • Promotional Content: Keep your content informative, avoiding self-promotion or excessive links to your products or services.

Ready to Submit?

Send your guest post draft to with the subject line “Guest Post Submission – [Your Article Title]”. We’ll review it within 7 days and get back to you.


We’re excited to collaborate with talented writers like you! Share your mobile phone expertise and help educate and empower our readers. Thank you for considering “Nixgle” as a platform to share your expertise!

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